Friday 20 March 2009

Defining Psychic Abilities

Defining Psychic Abilities is very like defining ‘The Paranormal’, because psychic abilities are abilities that go beyond the normal five senses and is referred to as the sixth sense or third eye. People with psychic abilities can reach beyond what we deem to be reality and beyond the confines of the physical world. These abilities are often called ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), although there are several different types of psychic abilities for example:

Precognition - Is the ability that allows an individual to access through dreams, information about things in the future such as places and events before they actually happen.

Retrocognition - Is the ability that allows an individual to access information on past events and places, similar to precognition but acts in reverse.

Premonition - Is like precognition except that instead of accessing future information through dreams, information can be received through visions and strong senses and feelings.

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience - Are three abilities that are intertwined and allows an individual to have clear sight in other words they can see, feel and sense beyond the physical world and into the spiritworld.

Remote Viewing - Is the ability that allows an individual to be able to see physical objects and people from a distance

Telepathy - Is the ability that allows an individual to communicate with their mind to another mind

Medium - This is the ability that allows an individual to relay information from beyond the physical world

Psychokinesis - Is the ability to move objects with the mind

Several universities all over the world have parapsychology departments, where researchers are using various methods to find scientific proof that people do possess these abilities. Not only that but they are searching for proof that these individuals are receiving this information from a source beyond the physical world and our reality

Copyright ©2008-2009 Geraldine Mac(PsychicHecate)

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