Friday 20 March 2009

Omens of Death

There are many types of Omens, but Death Omens have a uniqueness to their design. Each Omen can come as a Precognitive Dream, a Premonition or a Ghostly Whisper - a warning from beyond the grave.

Precognitive and Premonition are very similar and yet very different. Often their meanings are confused, but in basic terms Precognitive Dreams are dreams of future events that are dreamed while sleeping. While Premonitions are often described as waking dreams of future events. With Premonitions a person can see flashes of future images while awake and have gut feelings on things that are about to happen.

Famous Omens of death's are like the Precognitive Dreams that both US President's Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy had about their own death's before they occurred.

US President Abraham Lincoln and his wife were long standing believers of the paranormal. During his time at the Whitehouse, séances were a regular occurrence. It has been said throughout the years since Abrahams time at the Whitehouse, that during the most difficult days and times of the American Civil War that Lincoln himself had many experiences of a paranormal nature in regards to the War itself.

At the begining of April in the year 1865, Lincoln told one of his close loyal bodyguards that he had a dream of his own death and that in this dream he saw his own funeral. Then again on the 11th of April 1865, Lincoln told the same bodyguard that he had the same dream of his death again. On the 14th of April 1865, Lincoln was set to go to a theater called 'Fords Theater'. With the knowledge of the dream some people close to Lincoln at the Whitehouse tried to stop him from going to the theater, but Lincoln refused to be persuaded not to go. He went to 'Fords Theater' that night and while there a man called John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln by shooting him.

Did President Lincoln go to that theater with the knowledge of what was to come? Did all his Paranormal Experiences lead him to believe that this was his fate, and that he couldn't fight it or change it? These are questions that we can never really get an answer to there is no answer with any kind of factual or solid proof. In saying that though there is a lot of room for speculation on this subject and I think that people will always wonder why he chose to go to 'Fords Theater' on that night after the dreams that he had?

President John F Kennedy had a similar experience in that he also had a Precognitive Dream of his death as well before it happened.

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