Friday 20 March 2009

Metaphysical Studies: Cosmology

Cosmology is the study of the Universe, in actual fact it is the use of Scientific Observation and Experimentation to understand the Cosmo better. It is the study of the universe from its very existence or what is referred to as the ‘big bang’ to the expanding growth of the universe to the end of time and space. From the scientists own observation and experimentation they can use their results to try to predict the history of the universe. Moreover, the scientists try to learn and understand the progression of the growth of the universe as a whole. Using their results and the physical laws of the universe that govern what happens and how it expands.On the other hand, we then have the study of Metaphysical Cosmology which is the study of science and religion. Two of these doctrines which are studied in connection to the concepts of not only the universe, but of nature, man and God and trying to understand the conclusions that can be formed as to the relationship and connection between, the universe + nature then the universe +nature + man and then the connection between, the universe + nature + man + God. It is the ultimate question that all human being ask ‘Why are we here?’, ‘What is our role in the universe?’ and so on……

When studying this there are several aspects which must be considered they are, our origins, world religions, and the role of mythology and the nature of reality. When considering the various views and thoughts on creation and the end of the universe, the roles of these things in shaping our religions, our lives and our world. We must also take into consideration the links between the universe, faith and spirituality

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